
time:2024-03-31 reading:13 author:rmkj

Mohuda is a B2B e-commerce platform and enterprise yellow page platform developed and operated by Henan Ronghe Ju Media Technology Co., Ltd. Mohuda website platform mainly provides Internet services for enterprises, including 114 enterprise yellow page information query services, enterprise product supply, information release, enterprise store establishment and other functions.


Mohuda has a huge enterprise information database, and users can quickly find the target enterprise through various methods such as keyword search and industry classification, and obtain detailed information such as basic information, contact information, and business scope of relevant enterprises. In addition, Mohuda also provides a business promotion platform for enterprises. Enterprises can showcase their strength and characteristics by publishing product information, enterprise dynamics, news information, and other means, and achieve brand promotion and market promotion through various advertising spaces.

Compared to other B2B websites, Mohuda has higher weight and traffic, which can bring more exposure and clicks to the enterprise. At the same time, Mohuda has a wide coverage, detailed industry classification, and diverse advertising resources, providing enterprises with a more effective online promotion platform. In addition, Mohuda also has strong social promotion capabilities, which can bring more fans and traffic to enterprises through social media platforms such as WeChat and Weibo.

Mohuda is a professional B2B e-commerce platform dedicated to providing comprehensive online promotion and brand building solutions for enterprises. It can help enterprises enhance brand awareness, expand business scope, increase customer resources, and achieve better commercial benefits.

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